Our Research
Check out our own research paper below on the how to reduce Musculoskeletal Disorders from long term sitting!
"In addition to the above-mentioned muscles, other major muscles influencing spinal movements include the hamstrings, the hip flexors, and the quadratus lumborum. Merely by their attachments to the pelvis, they can influence static posture as well as active movements of the spine. For example, tight hip flexors tend to create a flexion moment at the hip and a compensatory extension moment of the spine leading to the classic "sway back.""
- https://www.jospt.org/doi/pdf/10.2519/jospt.1987.8.12.556
"Among all the factors tested, endurance of the back extensor muscles had the highest association with LBP. Other factors such as the length of the back extensor muscles, and the strength of the hip flexor, hip adductor, and abdominal muscles also had a significant association with LBP."
- https://www.jospt.org/doi/abs/10.2519/jospt.2002.32.9.447
"Many patients have tight hip flexors with or without low back pain. Manual fascial-muscular lengthening therapy (FMLT) is one commonly used treatment for this population."
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4262809/
"Importantly, there was 6.1° more passive hip extension in the high activity & minimal sitting group when compared to the low activity & prolonged sitting group."
- https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2468781220305877
"Whether the hip flexors are strained or just stiff, they have the tendency to hold your entire pelvis in a forward position. This causes the back to arch and the entire pelvis to "tip" forward. Once this has happened you may feel stuck in this position no matter what activity you are doing: standing, sitting or otherwise! Once this position is the "norm" for these muscles it may feel like you get a charlie horse in the front of your hips even with simple movements because of the position you are "stuck" in. Any movements that specifically involve hip flexion (like a crunch, leg lifts, etc.) may be painful and feel cramped up because of this."
- https://www.flexispot.com/spine-care-center/how-sitting-all-day-can-cause-hip-flexor-strain/